miércoles, septiembre 13, 2006

economía a la veeeerga......

Bueno como aparenmtemente a TODOS en la UIA se les sale el inglés, hoy les hablo directamente a todos ustedes "biculturales"....

To all you punk ass posers who are obsessed with acting american, how bout´instead of wearing abercrombie (which by the way....is for preppy fags) and talking about the six months u spent in Houston......u get off your lazy, useless, "my dad still pays for all my shit and i´m 26" asses and do something to make this dick country a better place. All u ever do is complain about the governement and corruption and how eveything´s sooo unfair, but u fuckers are all exactly the same. U don´t give a crap about anything that doesn´t affect u and u all live in your little bubble of "gente bien y educada" which are the biggest dicks of all. U think that talking "fresa" and driving an expensive ass car that u didn´t even fucking pay for makes u high class?? How bout picking up a book or a goddamn newspaper every once in a while u less than mediocre bastards... your all a bunch of bitchesss and I really hope one of u retards who´s like this gets around to reading this, that is if u assholes even know how to turn on the computer without "la chacha" doing it for you..................................Black Supremacy fo´eva cracka´s.

hay perdón se me salió el inglés


Blogger Federico Stuht said...

que agresivo eres (yo si leo)

12:02 a.m.  
Blogger Sociedad Civil de los Sultanes del Bullicio said...

estimado hombre lobo, no si se sabes que estás en México gaaato, así que el idioma oficial es el español.
Bilingüe la madre, inglés es el idioma para hablarle a los perros.

12:21 p.m.  

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